We went to St. Louis a few weekends ago with our friends Jessica,Aaron and their adorable little girl Ava for a church conference and we found this in the Cracker Barrel store on the way home. Tom and I just cracked up because he likes to tease me about my chocolate milk cravings. It has been one of the only consistent things I have craved so far. Now I know this is not one of the healthiest cravings, especially since we do drink 2% milk which can have a whole lot of calories in it, but I did buy some low-fat chocolate syrup and I limit myself to no more than one glass a day. And hey, I am getting my calcium (which baby and I both need!), so that counts for something, right??
By the way, the Hershey's bottle turned out to be a piggy bank. Maybe I should have bought it to save up for all the little bottles of Hershey syrup I might be purchasing over the next few months...?
As much chocolate milk the boys and Bart drink, they'd love one that size.