Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The 33 week Pregnant Homeowner

We did it! We bought our first home, and couldn't be more excited that the process is OVER and we can start getting this home ready for our little upcoming arrival. It was definitely an emotional road, but also a great learning experience which we were able to tackle together.

We feel that this home is where God wants us to be right now. There were some hiccups in the road with trying to get this place that led us to think it was a dead end and we actually started our search elsewhere. At that point we tried to remove our emotions from the process and we turned it over to God, trusting and praying that He would guide us where he wanted us. It turns out only a few days later, we got a call from our realtor saying everything had worked itself out. (The house was a short sale so there were many different entities or groups of people that had to agree on who takes the loss financially, plus there was a lien on the property as well. A lien is not good.)

So here we are showing off our house keys right after closing last week. In case you didn't read the title of this blog post, I am 33 weeks along and still feeling great.

Our realtor Silvia wanted to jump in for a snapshot with us. Tom is holding the sweet "welcome home" basket she made, filled with candles, teas, kitchen goodies, and a cookbook.


  1. How exciting... can't wait to see pics of your very first place :)
    What a blessing... to be able to buy your first place before you even have your first baby is a huge accomplishment! (we didn't get the chance to buy our first house until 3 years ago)... I am so excited for you guys!

  2. I can't wait to come to see your place with furniture in it! I am so proud of you guys and the maturity it took to wait on God's timing! Mom

  3. Ami and Tom,Can't wait to see your new home.Hope you liked the chair cushions.Waiting to hear when baby comes. Grandma A.
